Biology department faculty Drs. Steve Murphree, Darlene Panvini, Nick Ragsdale, John Niedzwiecki and Roger Jackson and 25 undergraduate research students representing Biology, Environmental Science, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Neuroscience majors, attended the 124th Tennessee Academy of Science (TAS) Annual Meeting held Nov. 21 in Morristown, Tennessee.
The Tennessee Academy of Science, founded in 1912, organizes symposia, manages on-going programs in many fields and communicates with the national scientific culture. Belmont students presented posters at the meeting and attended presentations from graduate students and faculty from a wide variety of Tennessee schools. Dr. Steve Murphree, professor of biology, serves as TAS’s Treasurer and Dr. Rachel Rigsby, associate professor of chemistry, serves as the Managing Editor of the Journal.
For a complete listing of the 25 students who presented research posters, click here.