Several Belmont mathematics faculty members and one student recently attended and participated in the Joint Mathematical Meetings (JMM) in Atlanta, Georgia. JMM, the largest mathematics meeting in the world, combines the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and the American Mathematical Society (AMS). This year’s event was the 100th annual winter meeting of MAA and the 123rd annual meeting of AMS.
Brad Schleben, assistant professor of mathematics, gave a talk at a MAA special session titled, “Strengthening the Narrative of an Abstract Algebra course.” Michelle Guinn, assistant professor of mathematics, worked with the National Association of Mathematicians at the conference and also judged the Undergraduate Student Poster Session. Sarah Ann Fleming, associate professor of mathematics, worked with MAA’s Early Mentoring Program at the conference and also organized a session for the Career Mentoring Network for Women in the Mathematical Sciences, of which she serves as assistant director.
Andy Miller, professor of mathematics, co-organized and moderated an invited paper session on “New Directions in Quantitative Literacy.” The session was given in honor of quantitative literacy pioneer Lynn Arthur Steen who died in 2015. Mike Pinter, professor of mathematics, presented “Mathematics Intersecting with Other Modern World Ideas: 1850-1950” as part of the Contributed Papers Session on Humanistic Mathematics during the JMM. In the presentation, Pinter described ideas, people and topics from mathematics in the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century that he incorporates into his Analytics: Math Models course, and to a lesser extent, his Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning course. Topics addressed from that 100-year time period include symbolic logic, basics of set theory and social choice theory, with particular emphasis on logic. Danny Biles and Mary Goodloe, mathematics, also attended the conference.
Tucker Dowell, a senior mathematics and philosophy double major, presented two research projects at the conference including “Stochastic Social Network Model for the Dissemination of Ideas,” (Tucker L. Dowell, Daniel Biles and Glenn Acree) and “Counting Elements of Particular Orders in the Symmetric Group” (Tucker L. Dowell and Brad Schleben).