Dr. Stephen Shin, assistant professor of sport science, recently shared his experiences and test preparation tips for the U.S. citizenship application with students in the English as a Second Language (ESL) class at the Nashville Korean United Methodist Church (NKUMC). Since September 2012, basic ESL classes have been offered every Saturday at NKUMC in Brentwood, Tenn. Shin became a U.S. citizen about a year ago by going through the entire documentation process and citizenship test. Based on his experience, he provided general information about the citizenship application process and test preparation tips to the students who want to apply for U.S. citizenship in the future. Most of the students are newly immigrated to the United States coming from non-English speaking countries and they want to be more active engaging members in American society by speaking more fluent English. They also expressed their wishes to become a U.S. citizen to get better opportunities and to contribute more to the society.