Department of Sport Science Assistant Professor Stephen Shin presented lectures at four universities during his visit to South Korea. He gave a first lecture to the junior and senior students of Public Administration class in Kwangwoon University in Seoul. The title of the lecture was “Relationship Orientation vs. Task Orientation in Leadership and Management.” The intent of the lecture was focused on how to balance relationship orientation with task orientation in the public and private sectors in South Korean society where dehumanizing social pressure is great and task-oriented styles are dominant.
The next lectures presented successively were in the Annual Sport Marketing Seminar at Tongmyong University in Busan and in a sport marketing class at Dankook University in Cheonan. The topic was related to effective sport marketing strategies and promotional approaches. The main issue was how to incorporate the recent sport marketing strategies and approaches used in the American sport to South Korean sport industry. An active discussion was generated among the participants and students by debating which marketing strategies and approaches are working or not in Korean sport culture and how to reinvent or modify them based on different cultural context. The extended follow-up discussion aimed at 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics which will be held in South Korea.
The last lecture presented at Korea Maritime University in Busan, was with Jiho Kim of Wingate University, N.C. to introduce American intercollegiate athletics and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and its organizational/divisional structure. The lecture was for the personnel and students working in athletics in high school and colleges where the Korean athletic system is mainly organized and operated based on amateurism.