On April 18, the School of Sciences hosted the Tennessee Academy of Sciences Middle Collegiate Division Meeting for the second straight year. Dr. Nick Ragsdale, assistant professor of biology and the meeting coordinator, indicated that Belmont student participation had increased from 43 abstracts in 2008 to 55 abstracts in 2009. Students presented their work in topics ranging from geology to cancer biology. Out of eight sections, Belmont students won 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Entomology, Animal & Cellular Behavior, Neuroscience, Immunology/Microbiology and Zoology/Geology sections. The School of Sciences will also host the 2010 Tennessee Academy of Sciences Middle Collegiate Division Meeting.
Belmont’s oral presentation winners included:
Second Place: Andrew E. Wicke. Macroinvertebrate Diversity and Water Quality at a Trout Hatchery Stream Entering the Obey River, Clay County, Tennessee.
Third Place: William Baugher. Aquatic Macro Invertebrates and the Distribution of Ambystoma Barbouri in Central Tennessee.
Biology: Animal and Cellular Behavior
First Place: Lauren Oeser. Specificity of Anti-Predator Behavior in Streamside Salamander Larvae.
Third Place: M. Christina Inman. Investigating a Possible Connection Between Pathogen Avoidance and Reproductive output of Caenorhabditis elegance.
Biology: Neuroscience
First Place: Robert Gibson. The Effects of 6-Hydroxydopamine, Sulpiride and Sch-23390 on Locomotion in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Second Place: Brittany L. Myers Blocking the Effects of 6-Ohda in Caenorhabditis Elegans.
Immunology and Microbiology
First Place: Mollie A. Schlarman. Presence of Pbp2a Protein in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Isolates Containing the Mec-a Gene.
Second Place: Alaia L. Williams. Incidence of Methiciliin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Belmont University Dormitories.
Second Place: Alaina Reagan. A Phylogeny for the Salamander Family Ambystomatidae Based on a Nuclear Marker.
Third Place: Audrey S. Henson. Resolving Conflicts in Ambystomatid Salamander Phylogeny with Nuclear Dna.