Scholar Communities is a program in the College of Arts and Sciences in which a faculty member and from four to five students work over the summer on scholarly activities. Students receive six hours of course credit for participation in the scholar community. The communities meet regularly as a research team and hold social activities that are designed to bring about a spirit of community. A celebration dinner was held on August 28th for this year’s participants. The faculty advisors included Lori McGrew (Biology), John Niedzwiecki (Biology), Glenn Acree (Mathematics and Computer Science), and Ken Spring (Sociology). Rachel Risgby (Chemistry) was the Summer Scholars Director through the summer of 2010, and Lori McGrew will be leading the program during the next academic next year.
The research topics pursued by the 2009 Scholar Communities included:
Explorations in Graph Theory: Crossing Numbers and Visigraph
Cameron Behar, Reid Huffman, Joe Hutchinson, David Potter, Dr. Glenn Acree, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Characteristics of Learning in Zebrafish
Steven Avers, Taylor Andrew, Taylor Beazley, Katy Parsley, Dr. Lori McGrew, Department of Biology
Behavioral Ecology: Tradeoffs in a Dangerous World
Caleb Binkley, Amy Fehrmann, Mark McFarland, Atinuke Osinusi, Dr. John Niedzwiecki, Department of Biology
Applied Social Theory: Community-Based Research at the Maddox YMCA
Felicia Black, Daniel Chapdelaine, Allison Hurst, Carlin Lawroski, Austin Sauerbrei, Dr. Ken Spring, Department of Sociology