Bonnie Riechert (Public Relations) recently coordinated judging the annual competition for the Religion Communicators Council, an interfaith association of more than 500 religion communicators working in print and electronic communication, advertising and public relations. More than 260 entries in the council’s annual DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards were judged, with classes including periodicals, public relations materials, writing for publication, specialized writing, internet communication, social media, public relations/advertising campaign, graphic design/art/photography, and audio and video/broadcast/nonbroadcast/cable. The awards will be presented March 31 at the council’s annual conference in Little Rock, Ark.
In addition, Riechert has been appointed to a national ad hoc working group to conduct research and provide recommendations to the Universal Accreditation Board (UAB). The board administers the program for Accreditation in Public Relations (APR), a voluntary certification program for public relations professionals. Board members on the UAB include representatives of the Public Relations Society of America, the Agricultural Relations Council, the Florida Public Relations Association, the Maine Public Relations Council, the National School Public Relations Association, the Religion Communicators Council, the Southern Public Relations Federation, the Texas Public Relations Association and the Asociación de Relacionistas Professionales de Puerto Rico.