Psychological Science faculty and students attended the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Boston, Mass. on March 13 through 16. Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) was founded in 1896 and is the oldest of the regional Psychological Associations in the United States. Its sole purpose is to advance the science and profession of psychology through the dissemination of professional information about the field. Those attending were, pictured left to right, Dr. Lonnie Yandell, Savannah Ladage, Antario Jones, Caroline Baumgartner, Breanna Wood, Monica Roufael, Savannah Johnson, Jasmine Jarupat, Jade Tucker, Stephanie Seeley, Shelby Wall, Melanie Chinsoon, Dr. Pete Giordano and Dr. Linda Jones.
For the second year in a row, a Belmont student won a research award for research presented at the conference. Jasmine Jarupat’s psychology senior capstone study titled “Prosocial Behavior and Just World Belief Predicted by Mortality Salience and Religiosity,” supervised by Shen-Miller and Giordano, received the sixth place award out of 100 competitors. The award was given in a graduate student competition, and Jarupat’s poster was inadvertently considered even though she is an undergraduate. The award citation indicated to her that “you have been recognized for your excellence in presentation, research methodology and research idea,” she said.
Other research that was presented by the Belmont faculty and students included:
- “The Construction and Validation of the Collegiate Trait Guilt Inventory” by Kevin Dole, Jasmine Jarupat, Amanda Ellis and Dr. Pete Giordano
- “Rejecting Creativity: Why Uncertainty Hinders Novel Thinking” by Monica Roufael, Jade Tucker, Jessica Kimber, Stephen Palmer and Dr. Lonnie Yandell
- “A Validation Study of a New Measure of Impulsivity” by Breanna Wood, Matthew Wolf, Rebecca Gift, Jolinda Beck and Dr. Pete Giordano
- “Personal Distress and Socioeconomic Status as Predictors of Helping Behavior” by Stephanie Seeley, Marleen Abdelnour, Antario Jones, Monica Roufael, Shelby Wall, Cassie Wyatt and Dr. Seraphine Shen-Miller
- “The Relationships Between Materialistic Values and Prosocial Spending” by Savannah Johnson, Caroline Baumgarten, Breanna Wood, Trey Haymond, Tanisha Williams, Eric Uplinger and Dr. Seraphine Shen-Miller