The Department of Psychology is a partner with the Tennessee State University Department of Psychology on a grant awarded by the Association for Psychological Science titled “Psychology Instructors of Central Tennessee (PICT): Launching a Local Network of Psychology High School, Community College, and University Instructors of Psychology.” The grant project provides the formation and long-term maintenance of an active network of psychology instructors at all levels – high school through graduate education – in this region. It will forge an active network by coordinating the following: 1) an annual Psychology Instructors of Central Tennessee (PICT) Teaching of Psychology workshop; 2) a virtual bulletin board for PICT members to post relevant events, such as invited speakers, or other announcements, such as the need for adjuncts; and 3) a PICT website with links to all participating programs with an emphasis on facilitating communication of high schools with 2-year colleges, 2-year colleges with 4-year colleges and universities. Dr. Pete Giordano, chair of psychology, is designated as one of the project directors.