Senior music business major Sam Polonsky recently received an award from Universal Music Group that recognized her as one of their top five college representatives. Polonsky was chosen from a team of 75 members for her impressive work within her role as a College & Lifestyle Marketing Representative. Each of the five distinguished representatives received a thematic plaque for their contributions.
Polonsky has been working for Universal Music Group since May 2015 and is responsible for spreading the word about new releases, recapping and promoting shows in her market and bringing artists and other opportunities to Belmont’s campus. She was involved with Belmont’s hosting of singer and songwriter Skylar Grey as well as the campus viewing of the new Beatles documentary.
Belmont’s community of aspiring music professionals has helped Polonsky build important relationships with other students to move her career in the industry forward. “Being enrolled in Belmont has brought me friendships with people I wouldn’t have met otherwise,” said Polonsky. “One of these friends I made forwarded my resume to be reviewed for this position while I was applying and it made all of the difference in my interview process. I view all of the ‘connections’ that I’ve made as relationships and friendships within the music industry. We’re all just looking out for each other.”