During 2009-10, Dr. Mike Pinter, professor, Mathematics & Computer Science Department, will be serving as Editor of a National Problem Solving Competition. Three times in the fall and three times in the spring, Dr. Pinter will send mathematical problems to the director of the competition who in turn e-mails the problems to participating high schools and colleges around the country. Each high school mailing includes two problems, and each college mailing includes two problems.
Dr. Pinter creates many of the problems that are used, while some of the problems come from others who contribute them for consideration. The problems cover a wide array of mathematical topics in order to have the problems be accessible to students with varying math interests and backgrounds. Nearly all of the problems can be solved without calculus (and often without very much algebra). In recent years, several of Dr. Pinter’s problems have been used by the National Competition.
This work is an outgrowth of Dr. Pinter’s efforts with Belmont’s Mathematics Problem Solving Competition which has taken place for the last 15 years. Two problems per month are posted on a public bulletin board in Hitch and on the Mathematics & Computer Science Department Web page and all interested students are encouraged to participate.