Dr. Mike Pinter, director of the Teaching Center Director and professor of mathematics, has had an article published this summer in PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, Volume 24, Issue 7, 2014. The article is entitled “Writing to Enhance Understanding in General Education Mathematics Courses.” This issue of PRIMUS is a Special Issue on Writing and Editing in the Mathematics Curriculum, is available online and will be printed this summer.
In the article, Pinter considers a variety of writing assignments he uses when teaching MTH 1020 and HON 3310. The student writing ranges from brief informal pieces to more formal assignments that address the full scope of the course, with an emphasis on encouraging students to have a richer experience of mathematical people and ideas and of their own learning. The assignments incorporate multiple media, including novels and films, and are spread throughout the course so that students have frequent and regular exposure to writing.