Special Kids, a Christian care center for children with special needs, will introduce a new program thanks to the vision of Megan Stinson, a Belmont physical therapy student. Megan previously interned at Special Kids and had the idea for a “Prayer Pal Bear” which would be with the children throughout their therapy service and upon completion of the program.
Stinson acquired corporate sponsorships to fund this program from such companies as Build-A-Bear, LifeWay, Liberty Trust Mortgage, Inc. and Hyde Electric. Through her efforts, Stinson has provided over 500 bears for Special Kids. Each bear has Stinson’s favorite verse about children on the back of its shirt: “And whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.” Matthew 18:4-5
The Prayer Pal Bear will be introduced on July 15 at Southeast Baptist Church in Murfreesboro.
For more information on Special Kids and the Prayer Pal Bear, click here.