Philosophy major Alyssa Hennig recently published her paper, “What Really Happened in Plato’s Lysis,” in Kennesaw State University’s OtherWise, an online Philosophy journal (2009 Issue, available at the following address: Three other Philosophy majors were accepted to Undergraduate Philosophy conferences. Brian York presented “Plato and Vedanta: The Necessary Bond Between Metaphysics and Ethics” at the Midsouth Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, hosted by The University of Memphis (March 5-6). Bethany Somma also attended this conference with her paper, “A Phenomenological Critique of the Frege-Russell Theory of Language.” Bethany will deliver this paper again at the SUNY-Oneonta Undergraduate Philosophy Conference in Oneonta, New York (April 15-17). Also at SUNY-Oneonta, Keith Johnson will present his paper, “Music and Philosophy.”