Several faculty members from the School of Pharmacy attended the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting and Seminars, July 9-14, in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Phil Johnston, professor and dean of the School of Pharmacy, attended the Leadership Pre-Session: Development Performance for Colleges of Pharmacy. Dean Johnston also served in the House of Delegates.
Dr. Andrew Webster, professor and chair of pharmaceutical sciences, presented a poster titled “Design, Development, and Implementation of a Professional Pharmacy Curriculum in Iraqi Kurdistan,” co-authored by Dr. Cathy Turner. Webster also led a roundtable discussion titled “Fostering a Positive Work Climate in the Department” and was installed as Chair of the Section on Chemistry of the AACP.
Dr. Eric Hobson, professor and associate dean of academic affairs, presented a poster titled “Win-Win: Developing Partnerships to Leverage Global Health Education and Activity,” co-authored by Dr. Mark Chirico and Dr. Phil Johnston. Hobson also completed a term as Past Chair of the Curriculum Special Interest Group of the AACP.
Dr. Condit Steil, professor and chair of pharmacy practice, attended the 2010 Teachers Seminar: Leading and Creating Interprofessional Education for the 21st Century.
Dr. Marketa Marvanova, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, presented two posters titled “The Role and Effectiveness of Virtual Laboratory Exercises as a Pharmaceutical Sciences Learning Tool” and “Factors Associated with Patients’ Understanding of Their Pre-Admission Medication Regimen.” Marvanova also served in the House of Delegates.