Six faculty in the Belmont University School of Pharmacy in collaboration with Bunch Library staff and faculty at South University School of Pharmacy have just received notification of acceptance of peer reviewed (3) and school representative (2) abstracts for poster presentations at the 2008 annual American Association of Schools of Pharmacy meeting this July. Additionally, Steven Stodghill (Pharmaceutical Sciences) will be presenting at the meeting. He has been invited to speak at the special session sponsored by the Curriculum Special Interest Group, and his topic will be “Paper to Pixel – Migrating Curricular Mapping to an On-Line Portfolio.”
Two posters will carry the Belmont banner in the school poster presentations. The first, by Stodghill and Julie Rafferty (Pharmacy Practice) is titled “Strong Foundation + 4 Pillars = Belmont University’s Pharmacy Plus™ Curriculum” and provides an outline of the Belmont School of Pharmacy’s innovative curriculum. The second school poster, by Cathy Turner (Pharmaceutical Sciences) and Marketa Marvanova (Pharmaceutical Sciences), is titled “Missions and Public Health Intersect as a School of Pharmacy Reflects Its University” and explores how the School of Pharmacy honors the Belmont commitment to servant leadership.
In the peer reviewed category, Turner and Jenny Rushing (Bunch Library) have authored “Aligning a Pharmacy School Curriculum with University Learning Goals: Information Literacy for Life-Long Learning.” Rafferty and Salvatore Giorgianni (Pharmacy Practice) have a peer reviewed abstract titled “Development and Validation of an Experiential Education Site Evaluation Model” that covers the process of developing and validation of a quality assurance evaluative rubric for off campus experiential sites.
Finally, in a collaboration with South University School of Pharmacy, Turner has worked with Andrea L. McKeever (South University) to produce “Strategies for Library Collection Development for Schools of Pharmacy.”