Drs. Cathy Turner and Julie Rafferty, assistant professors of Pharmacy, attended the annual meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) in Louisville. They both were inducted into the ACCP Academy’s Teaching and Learning Certificate Program, a structured, two-year curriculum that helps clinical pharmacy faculty extend their teaching strategies to reflect evidence-based best practices in higher education. Drs. Rafferty and Turner completed the eight-hour “Basic Training for New Clinical Faculty and Preceptors” as well as two hours of elective courses. Also, Dr. Eric Hobson, professor of Pharmacy, was a featured speaker at ACCP this year. A founding faculty member of the ACCP Academy’s Teaching and Learning Certificate Program, Hobson presented two workshops: “Implementing Teaching and Learning Strategies” and “Making Student Peer Assessment Work.” In addition, Hobson’s article, “CATs for Classroom and Clinical Teaching,” was published in the ACCP Academy Teaching and Learning Newsletter, Vol.1.3.