Glenn Acree (Mathematics), program director of the Pathways Scholars, Danny Biles (Mathematics), program manager of the Pathways Scholars, and Scott Hawley (Physics) along with 13 students, visited the Oak Ridge National Laboratory on Oct. 28. The group received a tour and introduction to several of the facilities, including the Kraken Supercomputer, the Spallation Neutron Source and the original nuclear reactor that produced the material for the atomic bombs used in World War II. The Pathways Scholars attending were Lee McGill, Cassie Wyatt, Liberty Foye, Angela Gaetano, Johnny Leonardini, Jack Streeter, Cameron Hardwick, Bavly Daowd, Corey Schmidt, Alina Lepkowski, and Spencer Colling. Physics majors Ben Heacock and Austin Guthrie also attended.