According to their website, Tennessee Parks & Greenways Foundation (TennGreen) is an accomplished nonprofit land trust dedicated to protecting and conserving Tennessee’s natural treasures. Founded in 1998, TennGreen is the oldest accredited, statewide land trust in Tennessee. TennGreen believes in doing more to protect our natural world so that future generations can enjoy the ecologically rich, beautiful, and historically significant treasures that make Tennessee unique. Through collaboration with members, private landowners, local municipalities, and state and federal agencies, the organization works to create parks, establish wildlife corridors, expand existing protected public lands and enhance public recreation opportunities.
The work of Belmont University Biology Professor Dr. Darlene Panvini and students in her ecology classes was recently highlighted in TennGreen’ s newsletter The Conserver. The article discussed their work that has been ongoing since 2015 at TennGreen’s Belle Forest Cave in Bellevue, TN. To read the article in its entirety, click here..