Members of Belmont University’s Nurses Christian Fellowship recently gathered to fill 62 boxes with school supplies and treats for the children of Safe Haven. The students asked for donation of fun age appropriate items and treats and the students gathered to wrap and fill the boxes, making the event a great time to spend with one another while serving others.
Safe Haven is a mission serving vulnerable populations with research-grounded, holistic methods. It is the only shelter-to-housing program of its kind in Middle Tennessee that accepts the whole homeless family. There are 22 children at Safe Haven ranging from two months to 22 years of age living in a beautiful new facility that houses up to six families at a time.
Executive Director Joyce Lavery said, “Safe Haven is about preventing, reducing and intervening in family homelessness with evidence-based and community-based solutions; moving the family from homelessness to self-sufficiency.”
Belmont Nurses Christian Fellowship has been involved in missions serving the community of Nashville and abroad since its beginning in 2011. The great success of this event and the many charitable events led by this group of students is truly a testament to the vibrant community of generous hearts present in Belmont University’s School of Nursing. The students of Belmont Nurses Christian Fellowship would also like to thank the many faculty throughout the College of Health Sciences whose donations made this event possible.