Assistant Professor of Biology John Niedzwiecki and Belmont honors student and biology major Rachel Chandler attended Evolution 2012 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, from July 6-10. It was the annual meeting of the American Society of Naturalists and Society for the Study of Evolution, but this year was billed as the First International Evolutionary Congress, as the Canadian, British and European Evolutionary Societies also attended. Niedzwiecki presented a talk in the Evolution Education Section titled Presenting Evolution by Natural Selection at a Christian University. Chandler presented a poster of her honors research with Niedzwiecki titled “Testing the Specificity of a Predator Cue in Relation to Phylogeny in a Salamander Sunfish System.” In addition to presenting her poster, Chandler was able to meet students and professors, and learn about the research in their labs as she prepares to apply to their graduate programs in evolutionary ecology this fall.