Dr. Steve Murphree, professor of biology, participated in Charlotte’s Web Day at the Adventure Science Center on July 12. The day was a celebration of the birthday of children’s author E.B. White and his classic book. Families could experience farm fun and learn more about the amazing animals depicted in the story. Murphree, an entomologist, had a floor exhibit on spiders where people could learn about spiders and the amazing webs they build. He also gave a talk on spiders as they relate to Charlotte’s Web. Murphree’s pet tarantula, Rosie, got a lot of attention.
He also spoke at the The Warner Park Nature Center’s 21st annual Insects of the Night program on July 18 during an event to celebrate moths, katydids and other nocturnal six-legged critters through games, demonstrations, crafts and puppet shows. Murphree, had live scorpions, termites and other arthropods on display. He has participated in all 21 Insects of the Night programs.