On April 14, Dr. Steve Murphree, entomologist and professor of biology at Belmont University, along with more than 20 scientists and local research students, participated in the Adventure Science Center’s Got Science? Program. The scientists were there to share their area of expertise using hands-on demonstrations and interactive activities.
Topics included DNA, nanotechnology, neuroscience, entomology, alternative energy, genetics, astrophysics, forensics, materials science, the human body, microbiology, engineering and pharmacology. Murphree let guests have a close-up encounter with his collection of ticks and educated visitors about the behavior of ticks, how botanical extracts can be used as tick repellents and human diseases carried by ticks.
Visitors also learned to recognize commonly encountered tick species, how to avoid ticks and how to remove ticks once attached. Murphree was joined by Libby Thorndike, one of his undergraduate research students, who provided great assistance in describing her research on tick repellency to the public.