Mathematics Professor Andrew Miller recently was elected chair of the Mathematical Association of America’s Special Interest Group on Quantitative Literacy (SIGMAA-QL). The SIGMAAs program establishes and supports communities of colleagues who share a common interest that advances the association’s mission. Within these communities, members gain access to opportunities for networking, professional development, and discussion of issues relevant to the represented interest. In addition to enhancing interactions among their members, SIGMAAs facilitate interaction between their members and the greater mathematics community by providing resources and expert knowledge relevant to their special interest. The Quantitative Literacy Special Interest Group aims to provide a structure within the mathematics community to identify the prerequisite mathematical skills for quantitative literacy and find innovative ways of developing and implementing quantitative literacy curricula. It also assists colleagues in other disciplines to infuse appropriate quantitative literacy experiences into their courses and hopes to stimulate the general national dialogue concerning quantitative literacy.
Miller has the lead article in the December issue of the SIGMAA-QL Newsletter. The article is titled “I Should Have Known Better” and discusses his unofficial research for a hybrid electric water heater.