The Mayor’s Project for Student Success, a 40-member group co-chaired by Belmont President Dr. Bob Fisher, concluded its term yesterday with a presentation to Mayor Karl Dean in the university’s Frist Lecture Hall. Vice Mayor Diane Neighbors (pictured at right with Dean, center, and Fisher, right) served as the project’s other co-chair.
The project was convened to develop action steps to reduce the dropout rate of students in area public schools, and it included parents, students, education professionals from all levels, government officials, and members of neighborhood groups, faith-based organizations, non profits and the business community.
“A student doesn’t just wake up one day and decide not to go back to school,” Dean said. “It’s clear from the work of the task force and other research in this area that the path to dropping out can start as early as elementary and middle school.”
In response, Dean announced that his office is leading the charge to develop a coordinated system of afterschool programs for middle school students in Metro Nashville Public Schools. Dean said coordinating afterschool programs is one recommendation from Project for Student Success out of several that have led to or confirmed initiatives already underway.
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Click here to view the task force’s presentation.