Stephanie Bobo (left) has been selected to be one of 16 women to participate in the George Washington University Summer Program for Women in Mathematics (SPWM) in Washington, D.C. this summer. SPWM is a five-week intensive program for mathematically-talented undergraduate women who are completing their junior year and may be contemplating graduate study in the mathematical sciences. Goals of this program are to communicate an enthusiasm for mathematics, to develop research skills, to cultivate mathematical self-confidence and independence and to promote success in graduate school.
Kelly Harlan (right) has been selected to participate in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Geometry and Knot Theory at California State University in San Bernardino (CSUSB) this summer. The principal goal of the REU in mathematics at CSUSB is to provide promising undergraduate math majors with a meaningful, exciting and challenging experience in mathematical research. During the eight-week residential program students will carry out guided independent and collaborative research. Research problems will come from the fields of Combinatorics and Knot Theory and will be chosen in consultation with a faculty mentor. The program culminates with participants submitting research papers based on their work and presenting their results at a formal seminar.