A group of students and faculty representing the Belmont University Student Chapter of the Mathematical Association of America and Association for Computing Machinery (MAA/ACM) participated in the Hands on Nashville work day event on Sept. 20. The group of volunteers worked at Glen Leven Farms in Nashville for a morning of weeding the pumpkin patch. Glen Leven Farm is a working 65-acre farm just four miles from downtown Nashville. The Land Trust for Tennessee now owns this farm and they host workshops, group tours and school field trips. The farm is a perfect outdoor classroom that includes a honeybee sanctuary, an educational garden and a seasonal pumpkin patch. The MAA/ACM Club participants included Savannah Halliday, Marlee Stevenson, Haley Daniels, Geoff Gross, Dr. Maria Neophytou, Jackson Streeter, Michael Kranzlein and Ben Stringer. This is the sixth consecutive year that MAA/ACM has participated in HON Day.