Assistant Professor of English Jason Lovvorn co-authored an article recently published in The Elementary School Journal (Volume 115, Number 4) with Bridget Dalton, lead author at University of Colorado – Boulder, Kristin H. Robinson, CAST Inc., Blaine E. Smith, University of Miami, Tara Alvey, Austin Peay State University, Elaine Mo, University of the Pacific, Paola Uccelli, Harvard University and C. Patrick Proctor, Boston College.
The article, “Fifth-Grade Students’ Digital Retellings and the Common Core: Modal Use and Design Intentionality,” resulted from a research project examining how students retold folktales in digital fashion, using images, sounds and animations alongside written text. The study highlights students’ intentional designs and their awareness of complementary compositional modes and suggests that educators need more complex models and more efficient teaching practices regarding multimodal composition.