On Nov. 5, the First International Summit on Laozi and Daoist Culture was held in Beijing, attracting 600 professionals, scholars, Daoists and followers of Daoism. One of the keynote speakers was Dr. Ronnie Littlejohn, chair of the department of philosophy and director of Asian studies, whose recently published book is titled Daoism: An Introduction. “My own belief is that Daoism’s contribution to the world will lie in what it can offer to an understanding of religious experiences and the human encounter with the numinal,” Littlejohn said in his paper, “How Daoism Can Be for the World.”
The two-day summit, with the theme of “Daoism, Science, Harmony, Health,” was sponsored by the China Research Association of Laozi Daoism Culture (CRALDC). Fulfilling the guideline of “creating a harmonious society together,” participants explored the strategic meaning of what Daoism’s innovation means to the world. They also reflected on the prospects of the Daoist culture in the 21st century.