Dr. Qingjun (Joan) Li, assistant professor of Chinese and Asian Studies, presented at two conferences during the winter break. The first conference she attended was the 2014 Annual Hawaii University International Conferences on Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences held at Honolulu, Hawaii on Jan 4 through 6. She presented a paper entitled “Oriental Light Shining in Western Darkness: Thoreau’s Use of The Mengzi in Walden.” This paper has been published in the proceedings of the conference.
In addition, she also attended the 20th National Conference of the Japan Studies Association, which was held at Tokai University, Hawaii on Jan. 2 through 4. At this conference, she made a presentation entitled “Family, Transformation, and Death in the Film Departures.” Li was also awarded a Faculty Travel Grant by the Japan Foundation and the Japan Studies Association as a junior professor who promotes and infuses the study of Japan into her teaching and research.