Kelly Monroe Kullberg, the founder of The Veritas Forum, spoke at Belmont Wednesday in an event co-sponsored by the Office of Spiritual Development and the Teaching Center. The Veritas Forum, which has emerged at over 100 universities in the U.S., Canada and Europe, enables Christian academics to engage their secular colleagues around issues of truth, beauty and meaning. Kullberg is the author of the bestselling Finding God at Harvard: Spiritual Journeys of Thinking Christians and Finding God Beyond Harvard: The Quest for Veritas.
Kullberg recounted her own struggles in finding Veritas, which came at an unexpected time. In 1998, she was consulting Veritas forums at 40 universities and her book had landed on best-seller lists, but personally she was devastated by a relationship’s end and battling the effects of Lyme disease. “Christianity Today was calling me an up-and-coming evangelical leader, and I was hiding in a cabin in the woods wondering if God even existed. The questions of skeptical students became my questions for the first time. I was no longer out to make God look good.”
The time alone, questioning, proved fruitful as Kullberg was challenged to ponder what story she had been living and find hope in a greater good. “When God’s light and love touch us, it shifts the boundary of being. I was able to breathe again, to rest and to think as well… Truth is knowable because the Author himself has spoken.”