Psychological Science Chair and Associate Professor Dr. Linda Jones and Psychological Science Professor Pete Giordano attended and presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) meeting on March 18-21.
Dr. Jones is the co-chair of the SEPA subcommittee for the Joint Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity/Psi Chi undergraduate poster research program. She facilitated the review and presentation of over 170 undergraduate research posters and was a co-presenter on two symposiums entitled “Leveraging Undergraduate Research Opportunities” and “Undergraduate Publishing Opportunities.” Dr. Giordano gave the SEPA/Psi Chi Distinguished Lecture entitled “Identity Development in College Students: Can Random Comments Change Lives?”
Founded in 1955, SEPA is the largest psychological organization in the southeast and one of largest in the U.S. The purpose of SEPA is to advance psychology as a science, a profession and a means of promoting human welfare. SEPA’s mission is to stimulate the exchange of scientific and professional ideas across the diverse areas of psychological inquiry and application.