Financial Officer for the Massey College of Business Susan Hopfensperger researched and wrote the biographies of six women living in Tennessee on or before 1850 that were included in the two-volume set of books “Legacies of Our Great Grandmothers – Early Tennessee Women,” soon to be released for sale. The year 1850 was chosen because that census was the first to list all women by name. Earlier censuses had listed only the head of household and included tick marks to indicate the age ranges of males and females.
Hopfensperger researched, wrote and submitted proof documents to record the lives of Adelicia Hayes Franklin Acklen Cheatham, her mother, Sarah Hightower Hayes, Sarah Lewis Pine Hardin McNeil, Josephine Thompson Bryan Hardin and Catherine Wheatley Saunders and her sister, Mary Wheatley Saunders. All of these women are ancestors of the General Francis Nash chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) members. Hopfensperger is an associate member of the chapter and serves as Volunteer Genealogist and chapter chair of the State Regent’s book project.
The books, a fundraiser for the DAR State Regent’s project, are priced at $130 per set. More than 260 women are featured in approximately 1,300 pages. Each biographical sketch was verified and all proof documents were cited in footnotes. Funds raised will be used for patriotic, historic preservation and educational purposes.
Hopfensperger and other writers are scheduled to sign copies at the Tennessee DAR State Conference in April.