The Honors Program hosted a C. S. Lewis/ J. R. R. Tolkien reading group and discussion series this fall on the Chronicles of Narnia and finished the last book on Thursday night, Nov. 21, the day before the 50th anniversary of the death of C. S. Lewis in 1963. Beginning on October 10, the Belmont Narnia group met one afternoon a week at 6:30-7:30 p.m. for tea and cookies, fellowship and fun reflection on Lewis’ great Christian fantasy series. Each member of the group led discussion on one Narnia book and brought food and some questions. “The Narnia books are part of the enduring legacy of C. S. Lewis,” said Professor and Honors Chair Dr. Jonathan Thorndike noted. “Very few authors have instant recognition by name only 50 years following their death. The fact that people are still buying and reading books by C. S. Lewis shows that he gave us words of wisdom and engaging stories that have the power to transform lives.”
Thorndike will be teaching a special course on C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien next summer at King’s College-London through CCSA.