Belmont Health Services nurses Julie Hawley and Cilla Crane recently co-hosted a successful fundraiser as members of Fabulous Friends for Africa, a group of 10 women who raise money for the needs of Africa. On February 11, the organization hosted its fifth annual Valentine’s Dance at the Factory in Franklin, an event devoted to dancing and bidding on the event’s 125 silent auction items. More than 500 guests attended and raised $65,000 this year.
Started five years ago, the organization began as the 10 friends turned 50 years old. Instead of throwing a party for themselves in celebration, the women wanted to use the opportunity to raise money for Africa. Five years later they have raised more than $300,000 dollars for African Leadership (AL), an organization committed to developing projects and programs that meet the needs of Africans. The donations have included Bibles for pastor training; orphan care in Malawi; microloans in Gulu, Uganda; a childcare facility in Khayelitsha, South Africa; and partial funding for a vocational school in Kibera, Kenya. This year, in addition to African Leadership, the group highlighted and supported Amazima Ministries through 147 Million Orphans.