Former VUMC leader to lend expertise to Belmont’s new healthcare MBA program
Belmont University’s Jack C. Massey Graduate School of Business is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Harry Jacobson as its Distinguished Healthcare Executive-in-Residence for 2013. The former Vanderbilt University Medical Center CEO and vice chancellor for health affairs will be lending his expertise and instructional talents to students enrolled in Belmont’s new Healthcare MBA (HCMBA) program for working professionals. The HCMBA program was officially launched earlier this fall and has already enrolled its first cohort of students.
According to Dr. Pat Raines, dean of Belmont’s College of Business Administration, “As we worked closely with Nashville area healthcare leaders in designing our healthcare MBA, the one executive’s name that repeatedly came up in meetings was that of Harry Jacobson. We are delighted to have someone of his stature and professional experience available for working with our students and continuing to help us advance this innovative new program for healthcare professionals.”
Jacobson’s appointment becomes effective January 1, 2013. Dr. Jacobson served as VUMC’s chief executive for more than a decade, during which time he was responsible for the addition of the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital, as well as the development of the 100 Oaks complex. Since his departure from Vanderbilt in 2009, he has founded or co-founded a number of early-stage healthcare organizations, including Epiphany Health Ventures, LLC, and TriStar Technology Ventures, among others. Of particular interest to Belmont is his expertise in medical informatics, including his experience in having co-founded Informatics Corporation of America.
“I am pleased and honored to be engaged with the Massey School of Business as it launches its new Healthcare MBA,” said Jacobson. “While I never had the opportunity to interact with Jack Massey, I was mentored by Sam Brooks, one of Jack Massey’s many protégés. The appointment offers me a chance to give something back in return.”
Dr. Richard Treadway, co-founder and former chairman of Psychiatric Solutions, Inc. had this to say about his long-time friend and business partner and the significance of this appointment: “As a Massey MBA alum, I recognize the value to Belmont of having someone like Harry as an advocate. But as someone who has observed first-hand the wisdom and insights with which he has been equipped over the years, he is the perfect executive in residence for a program that values experience in both the classroom and boardroom. Dr. Jacobson lends support to Belmont’s goal of becoming a national leader in healthcare technology and management.”
About the Jack C. Massey Graduate School of Business
The Jack C. Massey Graduate School of Business offers high-quality graduate business programs designed for working and aspiring professionals looking to advance their careers. The curriculum is designed to provide challenging, yet practical content in a flexible format. Programs are designed to stimulate critical thinking and creative problem solving while encouraging strong communication skills and a solid framework for ethical business decision-making. In addition to core coverage in business administration and accounting, the curriculum is uniquely structured around the themes of entrepreneurship and ethical decision-making across the global economy. All students complete a brief international study-abroad experience as part of their studies. The Massey School’s part-time MBA program has been ranked in the Top 50 in the U.S. by Bloomberg BusinessWeek since 2009. For more information, visit