Kay Geving, of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, presented “College Algebra: Improving Student Performance using a Hybrid Approach” at Math Fest in Portland, Oregon on Aug. 7.
Hybrid classes utilize computer technology to help teach and reinforce algebra concepts. In the spring of 2013, Geving conducted both hybrid and traditional college algebra courses using the same textbook, exams and grading criteria. Students in the experimental design actively participated, worked numerous problems and learned from their own mistakes during and after class. Comparison of test scores, final exam scores, evaluation comments and other observations indicate that the hybrid format greatly improves performance and comprehension of otherwise troublesome concepts. Geving presented these findings and discussed how she transformed her approach to teaching this course.
The Mathematical Association of America’s MathFest is the largest annual summertime gathering of mathematicians. The mission of the MAA is to advance the mathematical sciences, especially at the collegiate level.