First-year honors political science major Tyler Redmon won first place in Extemporeous Speaking at the Tennessee Intercollegiate Forensics Association’s (TIFA) annual state tournament held at Tennessee State University last weekend. He was named State Champion in the Extemporaneous Speaking Category for 2018.
Redmon said in an interview, “I believe the Forensics team has been one of the most amazing parts of my time here [at Belmont]. We’ve put in tons of work practicing for a whole year now, and it’s incredible to see that work pay off by winning a state championship. Extemporaneous speech can be intimidating at first; having to write and memorize a seven minute speech in thirty minutes while finding a source for every point you make isn’t exactly easy to pick up, but through the great support of my team and lots of practice, I was able to succeed. Winning at TIFA as a novice wasn’t something I was expecting, but with the help of a great group of people around me, I was able to accomplish that goal.”