Belmont Department of English professors Drs Linda Holt, Jason Lovvorn and Charmion Gustke recently presented as a panel at the Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, held Oct. 16-18 at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky.
This year’s conference explored what it means for teachers and scholars of rhetoric and composition to be responsive to communities within and beyond the academy. The panel, entitled “Rhetorics of Service: Expanding Partnership, Engagement, and Citizenship Through Service-Learning,” considered how service-learning practice can benefit the composition classroom as well as the wider university community.
Holt delivered a speech entitled “Literacy as Liberatory: Responsivity and Community Partnerships.” Lovvorn addressed “Service-Learning and the Rhetoric of Engagement,” and Gustke spoke about “Writing Citizenry: Service-Learning and Socially Responsive Knowledge.”