This past weekend Belmont’s Speech and Debate team hosted its annual tournament, the Tennessee Porch Swing, on campus. This “swing” tournament was comprised of two individual events tournaments (one hosted by Belmont and another by Carson-Newman College) as well as a debate tournament. Twenty universities were in attendance stretching from Texas and Florida to Pennsylvania. Team successes during the weekend were as follows:
Debate Open Division: George Shifflett & Caroline Tenenbaum, Quarter-Finalists; Tim Smith & Tyler Kimbro, Quarter-Finalists
Debate Novice Division: Sara Page & Paxton Williams, Quarter-Finalists; Sara Page, 3rd place overall speaker
Belmont Sponsored Individual Events Tournament
Extemporaneous Speaking: Sara Page, Top Novice
Prose Interpretation: Eric Schoen, 1st place & Top Novice
Informative Speaking: Chris Taylor, 6th place
Duo Interpretation: Meredith Day/Eric Schoen, 3rd place & Top Novice
Carson-Newman Sponsored Individual Events Tournament
Informative Speaking: Sara Page, 6th place
Duo Interpretation: Meredith Day/Eric Schoen, 1st place & Top Novice
Extemporaneous Speaking: Sara Page, 3rd place & Top Novice
Poetry Interpretation: Eric Schoen, 1st place & Top Novice
Prose Interpretation: Meredith Day, 4th place; Eric Schoen, 2nd place & Top Novice