University Minister Guy Chmieleski has signed a deal to publish his second book, Campus gods: Exposing the Idols that Can Derail Your Present and Destroy Your Future, this fall with Seedbed Publishing. Despite boldly foraying into the seductive minefield of what the he calls “campus gods,” the book maintains a conversational and even invitational tone.
“The university campus may be the most strategic soil in the kingdom of God and we must work together to cultivate it for the twenty-first-century world,” Chmieleski said in a news release. “With the dual trends of the college years as an extended period of adolescence and the rise of a highly genericized version of the Christian faith, it is imperative to creatively and compellingly infuse the whole gospel of grace and truth into the spiritual life of the campus.”
Chmieleski’s first book Shaping Their Future: Mentoring College Students Through Their Formative Years, was written for people who would mentor college students. He shared lessons from the book and his personal experiences with Belmont students during a spring convocation.
“One of Seedbed’s core commitments is to the college campus. We have a tremendous interest and energy for publishing a rich theological vision for life, faith, and future vocation geared for college students and the campus ministries who serve them,” said J. D. Walt, Seedbed’s sower-in-chief. “Guy has the pulse of today’s college campus. He understands the unique challenge of pastoring a generation of students whose sophistication far outdistances their maturity. We are honored to work with him in this crucial calling.”
Chmieleski also has been invited to write a feature article on this new title for the spring 2014 issue of Collegiate Magazine.