Chemistry Professors Drs. Alison Moore, Rachel Rigsby and Justin Stace recently traveled with students to the 249th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting in Denver, Colorado. The conference, themed around “Chemistry of Natural Resources,” included 130 poster sessions, more than 10,000 papers presentations, nearly 4,000 poster presentations and more than 6,000 oral presentations.
The following Belmont Chemistry majors presented undergraduate research posters during the conference:
- Sami Ansari: “Comparison Between Two Extraction Techniques Used to Isolate Antioxidants from the Pith and Carpellary Membrane of pomegranates”
- Daniel Beagan : “Synthesis and Reactivity of an Enzyme-Mimic Nickel(II) Complex”
- Spencer Colling: “Ligand Exchange of an Enzyme-Mimic Schiff-Base Copper(II) Complex: A Kinetic Study”
- Vickie Lim: “Computational Analysis of Conformational Tunneling of Glyoxylic Acid”
- Leena Patel :“Determining The Effects of Processing on Antioxidant Activity in Cilantro, Parsley and Rosemary”
Additionally, the students presented a poster highlighting student members of Belmont’s American Chemical Society (SMACS) chapter at SCI-MIX, a meeting-wide poster event for student chapters across the country, as well as selected research posters from every ACS division.
Belmont SMACS past-president Vickie Lim accepted a Commendable Chapter Award honoring the chapter for their activities and outreach during the 2013-2014 academic year. Belmont’s SMACS chapter, led by Dr. Alison Moore, has received a prestigious Commendable Award seven of the past eight years. Only about 100 chapters from across the country and Puerto Rico are honored with this award annually.