Dr. Rachel Rigsby and Dr. Alison Moore, both associate professors of chemistry, took five students to the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) that was held March 16-20 in Dallas, Texas. The ACS’ 247th National Meeting & Exposition featured thousands of presentations on new discoveries in science. The topics included food and nutrition, medicine, health, energy, the environment and other fields where chemistry plays a central role. Some connected with the meeting’s theme of “Chemistry and Materials for Energy,” which showcases energy technologies. The National ACS meeting is host to more than 15,000 chemists from all disciplines and career paths, including undergraduate and graduate students, teachers, professors, post-docs, researchers and industry representatives.
Belmont students Vickie Lim, Daniel Beagan and Lee McGill presented research posters at the conference. Bavly Daowd, Vickie Lim and Leena Patel presented a poster on Belmont’s Student Chapter of the American Chemical Society’s (SMACS) activities. They also accepted a Commendable Award for their SMACS chapter activities for the 2012-13 academic year.