Cheryl Brown (Foreign Language) presented a paper on Nov. 4 at the Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association conference, which met in Franklin, Tenn. Brown, along with two students, Meg Bilodeau and Hannah Hyde, presented Imaginary Voyages to Real Places: Your Students as Tour Guides. In this paper, students presented the results of their research of the history and touristic sites of interest of a Francophone city. The various steps and assignments of this project were outlined and handouts of assignments were made available. Students presented excerpts from the written and oral versions of their tours.
Qingjun (Joan) Li (Asian Studies and Chinese Language) presented a workshop at the annual meeting. During the workshop, titled Learning Chinese, Turning Chinese: Incorporating Culture into Contextualized Chinese Teaching, Li demonstrated the use of Hammerly’s behavioral culture protocols into the teaching of Chinese language through conceptual ideas and experiential learning activities.