Philosophy Professor Noel Boyle presented a paper called “Against Popularization” at the 45th annual meeting of the Tennessee Philosophical Association on Oct. 26. This paper explores the difficulties of writing when combining narrative and reflection. The paper considers two serious barriers to successful popular philosophical writing. First, labeled the Wittgensteinian Problem, is that professional philosophy deals with pseudo-problems that don’t speak to the problems and concerns of ordinary people. Second, labeled the Socratic Problem, is that ordinary people are too shallow and ignorant to engage genuine philosophy. In the end, Boyle suggests these problems reflect a dual crisis of our discipline and our culture. (image -Noel_Boyle.jpg)

Dr. Andy Davis, assistant professor of philosophy, discussed his recent published work on Hegel in the “Author Meets Critics” special session of the Tennessee Philosophical Association meeting. Invitations are extended to scholars who have published significant work in their fields. Davis’ recent work opens up new possibilities for reading G.W.F. Hegel’s Science of Logic by exploring an ontology of activities as distinct from an ontology of things.