A Nashville-based father and son joined Belmont Monday for an important dialogue on how they have learned to love each other despite their differences in beliefs. Dr. Frank H. Boehm is a physician at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, an op-ed columnist and a long time leader in Nashville’s Jewish community. His son, Thomas L. Boehm, is the founder and executive director of Faith for ALL, a disability advocacy nonprofit helping faith communities open their doors and hearts to include people with disabilities. Thomas became a follower of Yeshua/Jesus as Israel’s Messiah in 1994 and has a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and a Masters in Divinity.
The Boehm Boys, as the two refer to themselves, recently began speaking to churches around a three-pronged mission: to deepen dialogue about Israel, to develop partnerships for Faith for All and to demonstrate a path for peace, the primary purpose of their Belmont visit. Thomas said, “We must be able to honor one another in the differences of our convictions. That has really governed our relationship.” Click here to see additional photos from the event.