Twelve Biology students, two Biochemistry and Molecular Biology students, and Biology Professors Steve Murphree, Jennifer Thomas, Nick Ragsdale, and Darlene Panvini attended the 120th Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science in Cookeville, Tenn. on Nov. 19. Emeritus Biology professor David Hill also attended the conference. The students presented posters of their senior research projects in the areas of botany, cell and molecular biology, microbiology and zoology. Biology students presenting were Sarah Ayers, Julianna Bejma, Lindsey Dalton, Brittney Everhart, Amy Fehrmann, Julie Malkowski, Ariel Ouellette, Katie Rice, Jessica Rix, Kathryn Roach, Emily Smothers and Matthew Turner. BMB student presenters were Gabrielle Facey and Luke Starner. Dr. Panvini gave an oral presentation on “Trends in Assignments and Exams in Biology Courses.” Dr. Murphree, treasurer of TAS, was involved in conference planning. Dr. Thomas chaired the Science and Math Teaching section.
In addition, Physics students and faculty presented at the Annual Meeting. Senior Physics major Phil Feurtado and Physics Professors Scott Hawley and Steve Robinson also attended the 120th Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science in Cookeville. Phil Feurtado’s presentation was titled “Kick Drum Tunnels: A Physical Analysis of a Recording Technique.” Dr. Hawley gave an oral presentation on “Spin-Spin Effects In Models of Binary Black Hole Systems,” and Dr. Robinson presented “A Simple And Effective Method to Predict Seeded Tournament Outcomes.”