Sybril Bennett (Media Studies) will serve as a mentor to the Online News Association Student Newsroom Sept. 22-25 in Boston, Mass. The Online News Association (ONA) is composed largely of professional digital journalists. Founded in 1999, ONA now has more than 1,600 professional members whose principal livelihood involves gathering or producing news for digital presentation.
Bennett also will present at the Society of Professional Journalist’s Excellence in Journalism Annual Conference Sept. 25-27 in New Orleans, La. on the topic “I See Opportunities: Journalism Skills Needed Virtually Everywhere.” The Society of Professional Journalists works to improve and protect journalism. The organization is the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior. Below is a description of Bennett’s presentation:
“So many digital tools, so many ways to use them. What are the future trends online and how can newsroom leaders, journalists and educators capitalize on them? Be present for an engaging, entertaining and interactive look at ways you can tell better stories, create positions and leverage the foundations of journalism in the virtual arena. Many argue ‘we can’t afford it.’ In today’s world, ‘we can’t afford’ not to embrace change. Come get your money’s worth and leave with options and optimism.”