Dr. Alma Clayton-Pedersen, chief executive officer of Emeritus Consulting Group, spent the week at Belmont as part of the University’s Scholar-In-Residence Program, a program created to celebrate diversity within higher education and encourage students to explore the field as a career option. An initiative of Belmont’s Welcome Home Team, the University’s cross-functional diversity and inclusion committee, the Scholar-in-Residence Program invites each of Belmont’s nine colleges to host a diverse scholar in a field related to their disciplines. Clayton-Pedersen was invited to Belmont by Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Dr. Bryce Sullivan.
While on campus, Clayton-Pedersen spent time with faculty, staff and students as she hosted convocation events, participated in luncheons and co-facilitated “My Mentor and Me,” a session held with Dr. Sybril Brown, professor of media studies and Clayton-Pedersen’s mentee. Additionally, Clayton-Pedersen spent time with the Welcome Home Team, led by Vice President and Chief of Staff Dr. Susan West.

West said, “The Welcome Home Team is honored to host Dr. Clayton-Pedersen through our Scholar-in-Residence Program. Highlighting the importance of diversity across our campus, this program allows students, faculty and staff to learn from experts in a variety of fields, while emphasizing careers in higher education. We are excited to see how the programs impacts our campus as each College hosts scholars from their disciplines.”
Sullivan said the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences was honored to host Clayton-Pedersen, knowing the impact she would have on students, faculty and staff across campus. “We are very excited to have had Dr. Clayton-Pedersen as a Scholar-in-Residence. We hope that one outcome of the residency is that underrepresented students deeply consider pursuing higher education as a career. We really hit a home-run with the selection of Dr. Clayton-Pedersen. Her work with the American Association of Colleges and Universities, among others, demonstrates her role as a leader in higher education. I am confident she will be an inspiration to both our students and our faculty.”
For more information on Clayton-Pedersen, click here.