On Feb. 20-21, the Belmont University Speech and Debate team travelled to Morristown, Tenn. to compete at the Tennessee Intercollegiate Forensics Association (TIFA) annual tournament. As a team, the students were ranked the No. 1 debate team in Tennessee. Their success was evident as Belmont held three of the top four debate teams in the novice division, eventually closing-out the final round for a guaranteed Belmont win. Belmont also received team awards ranking third in individual events and placing second overall for the weekend.
Click on the more button below to see a complete list of awards.
Debate Awards:
Novice Debate (23 students competing)
Jessica Plowman & Logan Lowder, and Nicole Bright & Kate Tully (Belmont close-out in Semi-finals)
Andrew Bishop and Meghan McKechnie (Belmont close-out in finals)
Nicole Bright, 3rd place speaker
Jessica Plowman, 4th place speaker
Meghan McKechnie, 6th place speaker
Andrew Bishop, 7th place speaker
Kate Tully, 8th place speaker
Logan Lowder, 11th place speaker
Varsity Debate (33 students competing)
Eric Schoen & Bethany Miller, Quarter-finalists
Tim Smith & Alex Jones, Semi-finalists
Tyler Kimbro, 7th place speaker
Alex Jones, 8th place speaker
Tim Smith, 10th place speaker
Bethany Miller, 11th place speaker
Individual Events:
Top Overall IE Competitors (Pentathlon)
Nicole Bright: 4th place
Kate Tully: 3rd place
Public Speaking Events
Extemporaneous: Jessica Plowman, 6th place; Andrew Bishop, 5th place
Persuasive: Meghan McKechnie, 5th place; Jessica Plowman, 4th place, Jaiden Phelps, 2nd place
After Dinner: Kate Tully, 6th place
Impromptu: Kate Tully, 1st place
Informative: Nicole Bright, 4th place
Communication Analysis: 1st place
Interpretation Events
Poetry: Nicole Bright, 2nd place
Prose: Jaiden Phelps, 6th place, Bethany Miller, 5th place
Dramatic Interpretation: Eric Schoen, 4th place
Programmed Oral Interpretation: Jaiden Phelps, 6th; Nicole Bright, 4th; Kate Tully, 3rd
Team Awards
Debate Team Sweepstakes: 1st place
IE Team Sweepstakes: 3rd place
Overall Team Sweepstakes: 2nd place